Our Growing Egde / Halloween

We’re really happy to announce that we are the hosts of Our Growing Edge, a food related blogging event for the month of October with my favorite theme of all time Halloween! You wonder what this event is all about?

Our Growing Edge is open to anyone. It is not a competition and there are no prizes or winners, it is just a way  to share new experiences. You do not have to commit every month, just when you have something to share. To enter, you must blog about achieving a food related challenge that you have meaning to do (or redo). – Ginie, (https://bunnyeatsdesign.com/our-growing-edge/)


You are more than welcome to join, as long as your post complies with the rules. You can find all details about the event over at the event’s founder page the awesome NZ food blogger Genie from Bunny. Eats. Design.

We encourage you to share your Halloween inspired dishes with us! This can include anything from Pumpkin to Blood Sausage. (Don’t ask me why these two things just popped into my head). And not only are the ingredients completely up to you but also what kind of meal you will make. Fingerfood, cake, soup everything goes!

I’m a big sucker for everything Halloween related and I tend to spend a lot of time on Pinterest looking for the newest Halloween related trends. Unfortunately here in Germany Halloween is not a tradition nor a holiday so it was a huge deal to me to celebrate it while living in the US. Now back here I miss it terribly and every year I try to throw a Halloween party for my friends to keep the spirit alive. 🙂

I can’t even believe that we didn’t share any Halloween related food dishes on here so far! We had our fare share on other Halloween inspired things though like Blood Splatter Nail Manicure or Photoshop Skeleton Selfie as well as a DIY Black Widow Costume.

I can’t wait to see what you guys have in store! For the record it doesn’t have to be something totally new. It can also be an older Blog Post as long as it contains a recipe that challenged you in one way or the other.

If you follow us on Instagram or Facebook, which you should! 😉 You know by now that we have big things going on at the moment. I just moved to Munich yesterday and don’t have any wifi yet. So let’s hope I get a chance to blog a Halloween related recipe!

You can enter by submitting your post here. If you don’t have a blog but would still like to share your recipe feel free to send us an E-Mail with the recipe and a photo of your dish. Beginning of next month we will write a round up of all your wonderful creative ideas. So stay tuned!


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