Quinoa Sweet Potato Feta Salad

Yay for summer weather and finally being done with my bachelor thesis. Now I got some time on my hand before my student life is over and my job ist starting. It’s really hot here in Germany. About 36-38 degree Celsius. It’s way too hot to eat anything heavy for lunch or even for dinner. Since I’m still a student (for 2 more month) I live on a budget. In my fridge I had an open package of feta cheese, a sweet potato, onions and quinoa. And my freezer had some frozen spinach in it. So what to do? Well, mix it all together and see what happens!

Quinoa Sweet Potato Feta Salad

Turned out this mix makes for an amazing summer salad. It’s light with the perfect Mediterranean touch to it. Works great for a healthy lunch or dinner. And just look at these colors! Plus it’s done in under 20 Minutes. Did I mention it’s vegetarian too? There’s nothing better than fresh, cheap and easy cooking am I right? So let’s get to it.

Quinoa Sweet Potato Feta Salad

This is what you’ll need for Quinoa Sweet Potato Feta Salads:

  • 1 sweet potato
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 cup of red quinoa
  • half package of feta cheese
  • salt & pepper
  • dry or fresh thyme
  • 2 cups of spinach
  • some oil

First prepare the red quinoa as said on the package. I’m sure you can also use white one but red is what I had on hand. I didn’t add any salt. While the quinoa is cooking start peeling and cutting the sweet potatoe into small cubes. Spread the sweet potato on a baking tray lined with backing paper. Season with salt and pepper and thyme to taste. Throw it in the oven. I have a gas stove and turned it up to 6. Once they start browning turn the cubes around. (For me that was about 10 minutes after I put them in the oven). Now add the frozen or fresh spinach to the quinoa.

Drain the quinoa from leftover water. Add the sweet potato and onion and sprinkle with some feta cheese. Enjoy! I’m sure it also tastes really good cold. We had leftovers  which are perfect to take to work. Looks like out of a magazine and taste like out of a restaurant.

Quinoa Sweet Potato Feta Salad


  1. Jeanine Aug 2nd, 2015 12:28 am

    Mmm this sounds absolutely delicious!!!! Off to get some Feta. Use this fun lunch tomorrow. Thank you

    • arfotografie Aug 2nd, 2015 8:30 am

      Hi Jeanie, let me know what you think once you tried it 🙂 I’m glad you like it!


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